International Academic Collaboration with the Mrinalini Datta Mohavidyapith

In a bid to bolster academic ties between institutions in India and Finland, Professor Kamrul Hossain embarked on a FICORE funded research mobility visit to Mrinalini Datta Mohavidyapith, an esteemed affiliated college under the West Bengal State University, Kolkata. The week-long visit, spanning from June 15 to June 22, 2023, marked a significant step towards fostering collaborative research and intellectual exchange.
International Academic Collaboration with the Mrinalini Datta Mohavidyapith

Professor Hossain's visit was characterized by a series of dynamic academic interactions, aimed at igniting innovative ideas and forming a solid foundation for future collaborative endeavors. The objectives of the visit encompassed academic networking, brainstorming potential projects, establishing a collaborative framework, and addressing a global audience at an international conference.

While the central hub of the mobility endeavor was the Mrinalini Datta Mohavidyapith, Professor Hossain's engagement extended beyond the university. Notable meetings were held at the Department of Anthropology, West Bengal State University, wherein fruitful discussions were held to explore avenues for deepening academic and institutional cooperation.

The climax of the visit saw the conception of several actionable initiatives, designed to forge enduring partnerships between scholars from India and Finland. A notable achievement was the formulation of a comprehensive framework for a prospective project, set to involve multiple Indian universities in conjunction with the University of Lapland and its esteemed Arctic Centre. This collaborative undertaking aims to orchestrate an International Conference in the picturesque terrain of Arunachal Pradesh in 2024, with the gracious participation of Dera-natung Government College as the event's host. The conference will delve into the multifaceted discourse surrounding climate change, elucidating its impact on the Eastern Himalayan region while drawing insightful parallels with the Arctic. Funding prospects have been meticulously explored, including potential support from the Indian Social Science Research Council. Collaborative partners are zealously working on a comprehensive funding application, which is slated for submission by September 30, 2023.

An equally significant outcome of the visit was Professor Hossain's distinguished role as an invited keynote speaker at a high-profile international conference, held on June 19, 2023. The conference, aptly titled "Intellectual Property Rights: Issues and Challenges," was organized in collaboration with Rishi Bankim Chandra College, Noihati. During his engaging discourse, Professor Hossain cast a spotlight on the preservation of Indigenous peoples' Traditional Knowledge, highlighting the intricate challenges posed by existing Intellectual Property Rights regimes. Professor Hossain adroitly proposed a harmonious interplay between traditional knowledge, biodiversity, and human rights frameworks, asserting that the robust implementation of human rights could potentially safeguard the traditional knowledge rights of indigenous communities, firmly entrenching their right to celebrate and perpetuate their unique cultures.

The profound impact of Professor Kamrul Hossain's research mobility visit resonates as a testament to the power of global academic cooperation, fueling the momentum for groundbreaking research initiatives and fostering deeper understanding between diverse cultures and regions.

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